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Web Design

Web is being evolving in the last 20 years. Pages with information published over web are known as web pages. Web pages are not simple text files, there are different technologies to present the content in many attractive ways over web pages. Designing web pages is known as Web Designing. Web Designing is the technique with different set of technologies to present the details to end user in more attractive way using images, logos, text, videos and other UI ways. Website designing does not need any learning background or any qualification skills. The only thing is the person who intends to do web design should have a creative mind that visualize, design and present out of the requirement. Website designing or Web Designing process requires to take care of some important factors like content, appearance, good layout, readability and accessibility of the website on all devices. Browser is the medium where we can access the web pages designed for a website. In current world Browsers are available in different electronic devices like Desktop, Laptop, Mobile, Smart Television’s and many more. This indicates to design web pages or web sites to be responsive so that they can be viewed in any device where user is interested.

Surviving within the competitive world is created straightforward when one has the unique and spectacular website. If your target is to let users come back and increase the bounce rate then you must be trying unique in your presentation created on the website. For this tradition web design is most suitable during which creative and distinctive methods of web design are used at the side of well planned graphical presentation. It's best for creating a control on the web visitors and helps in achieving a lot of visits and revisits to the website. The custom web design is applicable in additional integrated solutions like Content Management Systems(CMS).